Thanks to Mrs. Backstrom, we have discovered a wonderful long division website that walks the students through the steps. The site is Snork's Long Division. Enjoy!!
Coach Ry Sloth will be coming to school tomorrow to read and talk about his book, Sammy Sloth Sports Superstar! Students will have the chance to listen to him talk, ask questions, and get the books they ordered signed. Should be a great day! Visit Coach Sloth's website. Check back for pictures!
We learned a cheer that was awesome and we are going to dance at the MS vs teachers basketball game. The name of the song is Interlude and the band is called Attack! It is from the UNI basketball games.
I have introduced a new website to help students with their reading skills called Into the Book. It is a great site for the students to use either at home or at school. Hope you and your child have a chance to check out this site at home!
Whenever I am in Ames, I try to stop at Goodwill looking for books for the classroom. This past weekend I had great luck, finding a Quantum Pad (similar to a Leap Pad) and two books/cartridges for $10. This has made a great addition to our “listen to reading” tools; the kids really enjoy using it.
Do you have any Leap Pad and/or Quantum Pad books/cartridges that your kids are no longer using? If so, would you be willing to donate them to our class or let us borrow them for a few weeks? This would be awesome. Let me know if you have any questions and I will continue to keep my eye open for more books/cartridges, too!
4E is ready for the Super Bowl on Sunday. 12 students in class will be going for the Steelers and 9 will be cheering on the Packers! We will see which group is happy on Monday morning! I guess I am cheering for the Steelers (but it is very hard for me to cheer for a black and gold team) I will really be watching for the commercials.